What do you do for fun?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by iambt21, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. iambt21

    iambt21 New Member

    I dont enjoy alot of things anymore so i figure ill start a thread of things to do for fun. Most of my friends like drinking and going out and socializing, i think im more introverted than most even though i show otherwise in social situations.

    1. movies
    2. exercise of some sort
    3. read

    I'm sure it will be easy to add to this list.
  2. sarahgop

    sarahgop Active Member

    tennis, jogging, gardening, play with cat.
  3. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    What do I do for fun?

    1. Take my kids out to eat...sometimes thats not so much fun though.

    2. Hanging with my boyfriend even if we're doing nothing.

    3. Going on the Vibe (duh). I love the people here.

    4. Rent movies

    5 Go to the movies.

    6. Amusement parks
  4. huh huh...sarah plays with cat......
  5. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    You are soooooooooooo bad!!!!!
  6. Jojo...you forgot number 7.."Breaking up with my boyfriend":biglaugh:

    Sorry...Im feeling evil.....:lildevil:
  7. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Go on walks
    Ride Bike
    Work out at the gym
    Cook dinner
    Wine tasting, wine pairings, learning about wine, update my wine journal, etc.
    Go to stand-up comedy shows
    Watch the Sopranoes or Curb Your Enthusiasm on DVD
    Play board games like Pente, Trivia, Backgammon, etc.
    Go on vacation
    Photography, painting, etc.
    Sports Betting
    Rearrange furniture, organize a closet, do a fix-up project
    Go bowling
    Go play pool
    Go out to dinner
    Look at magazines
    Watch Deadliest Catch or Man Versus Wild. That's my favorite sunday morning activity.
    Hang out with friends
    Go to the IMAX
    Museums, art galleries, etc.
    Shopping for purses.
  8. This is what I do, and its pretty bogus..

    1. Go to work

    2. Come home

    3. Eat, hang out w/wife and kids

    4. Read, study, or watch TV

    5. Surf the net

    6. Go to sleep


    I work for myself and therefore make my own hours. I can come and go as I please. I am in a position financially to engage in pretty much whatever legal hobby I want to.

    Yet I sit on my Italian arse....

    Pretty sad, huh?
  9. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    You are BEYOND bad Scott! :lildevil:


  10. you know?:biglaugh:
  11. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    I don't do that for fun you jerk!!!!!!:boxer:
  12. Oh, so then why are you doing it every 5 seconds?Taz

    (Oh snap...Im going to get my ass beat):yikes:
  13. chefangel4ever

    chefangel4ever New Member

    Me??? :hmm:

    Anything I want to :lildevil: We only live or go around this way once right??

    Oh...and I never regret anything that made/makes me smile ! :D
  14. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    I'm afraid to post what I do for fun now........ Scott's going to say something bad! :lildevil: :D

  15. CerebralPrimate

    CerebralPrimate SILVERBACK

    "I collect spores, molds & fungus..." -Dr Egon Spengler


  16. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    It happened TWICE in 7months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me your address!!!!!!
  17. Hey..maybe I want you to beat my ass!

    There ya go..One thing I can do for fun!

    1. Get beat by Jojo
  18. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    You tell him Joanne! :D I'm here for back-up girl. :lildevil:

  19. chefangel4ever

    chefangel4ever New Member

    Oh come on, you can handle him !! :cat:
    :joking: Ya know I love ya POKR :kiss2: ... I think... :hmm: :rofl:

  20. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    That's just what he needs to add to his list

    Get beat by jojo AND Kimberly :nono:
    1 person likes this.

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