What do you do for fun?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by iambt21, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. :yup: :yup: :yup: :yup: :yup: :yup:
  2. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    I have to get back to work but I'll be back :eyebrow:
  3. Highschoolrichkid

    Highschoolrichkid New Member

    Go to Vegas alot (take in some shows, gamble...hey, what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas. :D )


    Travel (Just got back from San Francisco. Stayed at The Sheraton, right next to Pier 39 )


    Learning another language

    Flirting with pretty women


    Watching The Sopranos (the only tv show I ever watched on a regular basis...Now it's all dvd)

    Going to concerts (rock, smooth jazz, some, but very little, classical...)


    I always wanted to learn how to play the electric guitar

    Hanging out with the guys
  4. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    Lets see

    Go to Caribbean Islands
    Play Guitar
    Ride Motorcycles
    Climb Mountains
    Hike on Active Volcanoes
    Make fun of Cat People :D
    Get Laid
    Meet People
    Drive my Hummer H2 to the Local Green Peace Rallies
    Watch John from Cincinnati:hmm:
    Watch LOST, I see a pattern here, confusing weird shows
    Personal development
    Work in the Yard
    Make Joanne think
    How long should I go on? :confused:

    Life is fun so everything is fun basically
  5. Stoic_Jason

    Stoic_Jason Great Member

    Read (mostly classics, history, and personal development)

    Tend my vegetable garden

    Watch CSI, Jeopardy, and Sportscenter

    Play baseball or go to the batting cages

    Hang out with my girlfriend

    Work is fun sometimes

    Yardwork (mowing, landscaping, planting, etc) must be "fun" for me or I'd probably pay someone else to do it, huh?

    I like to get on YouTube and look up funny clips from things I've seen in the past, or clips of characters from sitcoms I enjoyed but never got to see all the time.
  6. LaBellaVida

    LaBellaVida Happy to be alive!

    anytime Scott acts brazen, just remind how much his football team sucks. :p
  7. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    Read threads like this and laugh my ass off....

    Hang out with my teenager (well, really....drive her around town and drop her off...)

    Hang out with this guy in Boston....:lildevil:

    Watch "The Daily Show"

    Lots of other stuff, but I'm too busy having fun right now to name the other fun things I have fun doing!!

  8. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    Really.... :D Sounds hot girl. :lildevil:

  9. "hang" as in "from the chandelier" no doubt
  10. NOWistheTIME

    NOWistheTIME New Member

    i LOVE man vs wild!
  11. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    That guy is HOT!!! Even when he's drinking the water out of elephant poop for a drink, he's still hot.
  12. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    And when he gets naked too... :lildevil:

  13. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    What happened? He wasn't on tonight.....:( :D

    Survival Man was on instead and he just doesn't do it for me! ;)

  14. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    For fun:

    Cary, NC isn't a hotbed of action nor is Raleigh but I think they are like most towns that aren't NYC, San Francisco, Chicago....

    Chat online
    Hang with friends
    Drive to the beach (two hours away)
    Go out to dinner
    Wine tastings
    Clean the house
    Watch TV
    Go to the movies

    By the way, going out with friends, drinking and socializing turned me from an introvert to an extrovert. I prefer now. Being shy is a waste of life. Yawn.

  15. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    You know me too well, Scotty. But hey, I'm enjoyin' the Beantown vibe....I'm writing this from my friend's house as we enjoy frozen drinks and last night's Sox game on TV....:lildevil:
  16. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    When's the baby gonna be here, dude???
  17. Max Power

    Max Power New Member

    Celebrating successes of people I care about and feeling grateful that I am surrounded by those who are living large. Appreciating what I have and who I am. Talking with people about the future and all the great things to come. Helping others preserve the important events in their lives in creative ways. Advancing myself with higher education. Feeling good in the knowledge that I am exactly where I need to be doing exactly what I need to be doing at this moment. Going with my gut and trusting myself. Aspiring to do great things.

    More to come.

    I had a great day today.
  18. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    Oh yeah, Jukes...I forgot about sports events.

    We have a new USL soccer team, college hoops, NHL hockey, minor league baseball, NASCAR, Busch and local racing, arena football, major golf tournaments, NFL football...
    I just had my select-a-seat night for my hockey tickets. :yippee:

  19. droplet

    droplet New Member

    mine is

    Dance-Dance Revolution


    Checking out gorgeous guys

    traveling with friends

    watching Sir David Attenborough's docs. he's so good you know

    looking at the sky in the afternoons with friends

    Reading Bones

    and, if i've sttled with someone i love, i'm gonna do so much sex! Alright! :dance: Taz :lildevil: ........ with protection of course:nono:
  20. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    Wow Max, great post. So glad you've been posting more lately....you've got a really good heart and a wicked sense of humor. :hug:

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