Changing Inner State to Change Results

Discussion in 'Money, Wealth, and Business' started by Zlatoslava, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Zlatoslava


    How to Change Results and Unfold Greatness Within. What Can Be Helpful
    Behind any improvement there is growth, expansion and inner transformation, whether it is at unconscious competence level, or a person actually knows what he or she is doing and how to create real change from within.

    Most high performing, successful people cannot explain why they are so good at what they do, why they are so successful, and what they do differently (they operate at unconscious competence level) they are really good at what they do, but they don’t know what stand behind it.

    I personally believe, it is always better to be consciously competent when it comes to mastering the art of achievement and success. Because you can deliberately apply what you know and overcome any barrier or plateau on your journey to expansion, fulfillment and delicious experiences.

    Have you ever thought why 2 people who have the same level of education, same level of intelligence, great appearance, provide great services, are in the same business, have similar financial resources, and even have the same presentation but one, no matter what he/or she touches always turns it to success, while the other always struggles and fails?

    Have you ever wondered why one person may have no education, may not even be very bright, but might earn much more than his or her neighbor who has PhD?

    What stands behind success? It is the quality of your mindset, your expectations, you perception of yourself and the world, your inner self-image, your inner self-talk, you inner beliefs, the quality of your thoughts, the quality of your emotions, your dominant inner state.

    Let’s take a closer look at how the mind works. There is a conscious part to it, with our conscious thinking, and five senses, but there is also the emotional part of the mind, the subconscious mind and that’s where the paradigm is stored. What is paradigm? It is the set of inner beliefs, programs, multitude of habits, information, data, memories replaying in you. Many of those inner beliefs are negative and are false, they don’t serve us, don’t benefit you. They serve us as blocks.

    These negative inner beliefs, information, data replaying in you influence your dominant thought patterns. When you think a thought it puts you in a specific vibration, and you feel it in your body as a feeling. Feeling is a physical manifestation of thoughts (physical interpretation of a thought). Every time when you think a thought (or when you focus on something) it puts you in specific inner state, emotion, mood (or in other words vibration). And this inner state is your point of attraction. It is your vibrational signature that you emanate. It influences your awareness of opportunities, the quality of your decisions; it influences your behaviour, your actions, your results and therefore the quality of your life.

    To continue reading this article: click here
  2. shohrat shankar

    shohrat shankar Life Empowerment Coach and Facilitator

    nice article

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