How to Make Your Own Affirmation Tapes

Discussion in 'About Success, Motivation & Goal Setting' started by stanpontiere, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    If you want the very best in affirmation tapes, you should consider making your own. Not only is it inexpensive but, they may be far more effective than the commercial products on the market.

    Virtually all research into accelerated learning has proven that the more of your senses that you can involve in the process, the greater effect you will have on the learning process. In developing your own affirmation audios, you combine research and reading, writing, verbalizing and listening all at the same time. This makes your affirmations much more powerful.

    In addition, you get to pick the specific affirmations that will suit your needs. While there are many excellent commercial audios available, they are designed for a wide audience. If you make your own affirmation audios, you get to tailor the affirmations that will work best for you.

    Another reason to make your own audios is that they will be in your own voice. Scientific research has proven that the conscious and subconscious minds are far more sensitive to hearing your own voice. So your mind is far more likely to implement your affirmations when they are in your own voice.

    The first step is to decide what you want to accomplish and then design the specific affirmations that you need. If you need help in writing out your affirmations then you may want to Google the term: affirmations. This will give you a good head-start in writing out your affirmation script.

    When writing your affirmations, make sure that they are in the first person and always written in the present tense. The past is ancient history and the future only exists in your dreams. However, what we do and say in this present moment will affect future events.

    Take extreme care in writing your affirmations. Never use words like want or desire because that is what you will receive. For example if your affirmation says: I want to be wealthy, then that is exactly what you will receive-want not wealth. A better choice would be: I am thankful that my wealth grows greater and greater everyday. Not only is it in the present tense but it also does not create a reality of want. Another affirmation that you may wish to use is to define wealth and also what good you are and will receive from it. Affirmations should be timely and specific.

    In making your affirmation audios, you should set them to a background of 60 beat per second music. Famed super-learning researcher Georgi Lorzanov discovered that this type of music brought about an alpha mind state which greatly enhances the effect of any sort of learning or affirmations. The most common 60 beat music is Mozart, Bach and Gregorian Chant. It should be played softly in the background and not overpower your audio affirmations.

    If you wonder how you are going to record all of this, there is a free computer recording program available on the internet called "Audacity". It has a clean and simple interface. You can record from your microphone input or you can also record any audio that is being streamed over the internet. It produces very high quality audio and can be saved in MP3 format. To get a free copy of Audacity, just Google the term: Audacity.

    So there you go, this is a very simple, inexpensive and very effective way to create your own affirmation audios.

    If you don't want to go to the work of creating your own affirmation tapes, there are many good commercial products on the market. If you choose that route, make sure that the affirmations are well written and set to the 60 beat background music. They can be very effective. One note of caution. read my thread on subliminal audios. Every scientific test performed on subliminal audios have proven that they are totally ineffective. Don't waste your money on subliminals.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009
    1 person likes this.
  2. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    Thanks Stan. This is really good information and making your own tapes is easy, fun, more enjoyable and I do believe more effective.. As I mensioned in the other thread, getting to love hearing your own voice can have nothing but good outcomes

    I included a link for Audacity Download

    I also included a link to several Affirmation Web sites for ideas

    Just some to get people started
  3. Auswithspirit

    Auswithspirit FIREWALKER


    After all when you are alone driving and thinking it is your own voice you here with the negatives and some times positives

    It would be good to have your own voice there on CD to do battle with the evil foe :thumb:
  4. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    Thanks for this amazing thread. I have recently been very interested in affirmations, and have been giving them the benefit of the doubt. I have been using affirmations for nearly 2 months now, and I feel that they are working for me, so I would love to give an affirmation tape a go. Just a few questions:

    1) What is a beat? and how do I know if the music is 60 beats per second?

    2) should the affirmations recorded be played at a normal speed?

    3) How is it possible to incorporate as many senses as possible into one affirmation?

    4) Does the background voice have to be music? Or can it be something else (I would prefer something else)?
  5. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    followup and some of my favorites

    60 beat music is normally classical music specifically Back, Gregorian Chant Mozart. This music tends to lull the mind in and Alpha Mode-where the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion. I sometimes use binaural beat or isochronic tone audios as my background. Especially, something called the Schuman resonance which lull your mind into a very low alpha or high theta brainwave. It is somewhat more difficult to stay awake during a theta wave brain state. It is normally a sleep state but is also if you can stay awake, the deepest of the meditative states.
    As far as recording at a higher speed-the subconscious can easily absorb the high speed affirmations. Unfortunately, it takes special equipment to lower the tone of the high speed audios or you end up sounding like Mickey Mouse. Perhaps one of the other readers knows of some reasonably priced equipment to do this.
    Here is a short piece I did on 10 of my favorite affirmations:

    Affirmations have a long standing tradition and it seems that they have been around since the dawn of time. Some might call them prayers while others think of them as little more than positive thinking. They are all those things and far more. For one thing I am sure, they are one of the most effective methods of reaching self-fulfillment.

    I use affirmations daily. I believe that we should all live our lives as an affirmation and in fact, life itself is the greatest of all affirmations.

    For those of you who are new to affirmations, here are my 10 favorite affirmations.

    1. Everyday and in every way, I get better and better. This is the classic affirmation from Dr. Emil Coue who experimented with this in his hospital

    2. Whenever I set a definite goal, I take immediate action towards its attainment to create and sustain massive momentum.

    3. I accept total responsibility for the reality of the world I live in and I make constant progress in creating the reality of my deepest dreams and desires.

    4. Fear is my greatest ally. I live my life as if it were ruled by my greatest fear-the fear of mediocrity.

    5. I am thankful for the challenges that I face for it is in overcoming challenges that fulfills my life.

    6. I am grateful for the wealth that flows into my life for I am a money magnet.

    7. I live life to the fullest today because the past is ancient history and the future never arrives.

    8. I give thanks for my ever growing wealth for with great wealth I can do great good for humanity.

    9. I hold total personal responsibility for the control of my destiny in my life.

    10. Displays of social status mean nothing to me, it is my constantly growing wealth and what good I can do with it that are far more important to me.

    These are a few of my favorite affirmations. After nearly 50 years in the pursuit of self-fulfillment, I have developed or adopted thousands more. The main thing to remember is to be constantly vigilant of your current subconscious state and to use the most appropriate affirmations for your current state of mind. Your mind is in a constant state of evolution and the affirmations that were important to you in the past may no longer have any validity in your current life.

    While the "New Age" basis for the "Law of Attraction" is currently based upon Quantum Theory, it is the process of evolution that truly promotes "The Secret." Evolution states that everything in the universe is in a state of flux. Evolution demands that we either grow and succeed or we are destined for extinction. So, when you develop your affirmations remember that growth and success are our evolutionary mandate. Failure is not an option. Settle for nothing less than total self-fulfillment.
  6. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    Stan may have his own ideas but for me I have tried several different backgrounds. One thing I did that I really like was to go to the book store and get a set of CD's that contain Binaural beats for meditation. I have some that help achieve different mental levels such as Alpha, theta and delta states. You can research the states by searching for "Binaural beats" and you will find a lifetime supply of reading.

    The CD's I have use waves and natural sounds and I particularly like Jeffrey D. Thompson's Brainwave Suite. Then, using any tool, I lay over the top my own personal affirmations that I want to embed into my subconscious. The tracks are about 20 minutes long and I loop them over and over again listening to my voice with the background beat and the waves or birds or whatever you like.

    Think of it this way, you are hearing your voice in your head all the time you might as well hear it say what you want for 20 minutes a day.
  7. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    Binaural Beat audios

    I sometimes use binaural beat tones however, I prefer isochronic tone audios as they do not require the use of headphones and as I will often play my affirmations softly in the background while working on other projects, the headphones become a limiting factor. You are, of course correct, it really doesn't matter what kind of background you use-tone tapes, classical music or even some modern music as long as it gets you into an alpha or theta mind state. My personal preference-classical music. Why? Simply because I love classical music.
  8. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    BTW-you mentioned tapes of about 20 minutes. In Dr. Lorzanov's work, he found that a 20 minute study session was just about right. Longer than that and your mind tends to become distracted.
  9. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    I don't know much about isochronic tones so I will research a little
    Here is a site that claims to have some free mp3's
  10. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    Thanks Scooter for the links. I am very grateful :), and Thanks Stan for your amazing contributions. I am really happy to have you here at successvibe :thumb:
  11. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    Thanks Scooter

    That is a really interesting link although I wish he had been more specific about what brainwave patterns he is trying to create. I noted that he has the Schuman Resonance which I often use as a background for my affirmations. That creates a brainwave frequency of just under 8 hertz which is the borderline between alpha and theta. Extremely effective as long as you don't let it put you to sleep. Theta is normally a sleep state but in very advanced practice of meditation reaching the theta state without falling asleep is where consciousness breakthroughs are made. It would just be a guess on my part but it is likely that when the Gautama Buddha found enlightenment, he was in a theta brainwave state. I think I will stop here because I don't want to get into a discussion of all things mystical and Hyperspace.
  12. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    Here is a link on research into
    Epsilon, Gamma, HyperGamma, Lambda Brainwave Activity and Ecstatic States of Consciousness.

    I have the three 1/2 hour cd's for Epsilon, Gamma and Lambda. The Epsilon is the only one I have listened too and if done in a sitting position it creates quite a peaceful state with flashes of amazing recalls on events long forgotten and sometimes valuable insights. Lying down, it is like Ambien.:lildevil:
  13. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    I'll check them out.

    I find it ironic that alternative states of consciousness have become so easily accessible through the use of modern science. I have seriously used meditation for nearly 50 years and it took many years of practice before I ever had any esoteric breakthroughs. Mysticism and science meet on common ground. It just amazes me. Perhaps in this union between science and mysticism, the next step in the evolution in consciousness may be much closer than we think.
  14. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    I too have spent the better part of my life practicing various forms of meditation. All the technology in the world just doesn't replace 30 minutes of sitting and following the breath. They are interesting distractions and sometime positive enhancements yet I find more often than not the silence between the breath a curious and quizzical place.

    As for the evolution in consciousness, I have no concept of that. We are by nature evolving and sometimes I wonder if we aren't actually de-evolving. Consciousness, it seems, would be a natural evolution with the sentient being.
  15. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    On the evolution of consciousness

    It is pure speculation but, I am hopeful that we are approaching the next great evolution in human consciousness. But, a case against this can also easily be made. Between the wars going on worldwide, climate change with no country seriously working on the causes, fear and greed destroying the world economy and much more, one could certainly make the case for de-evolution. My hopes are with the evolution of consciousness. Scientists are seeking a "theory of all things" also called the "God Theory" and mystics seek enlightenment. We are approaching a turning point. Will we break the code of Hyperspace and enlightenment or because of mankind's fear and greed find ourselves on the wrong side of evolution-the way of the dodo bird.
    My websites and blogs and my forum entries are all intended promote the promise of self fulfillment (evolution) one person at a time. I have a vested interest in this. I wish to leave a legacy for my grand-children. A better place for them to live within. Perhaps, I am just tilting at windmills but, I feel that this is my mandate and purpose in life. I will get off of my soapbox at this time. This, of course, was not where I expected this thread to lead. But, you will be hearing more from me.
  16. stanpontiere

    stanpontiere New Member

    reply to Saf1

    You asked how could you incorporate as many senses as possible into one affirmation?
    I do this by using a different definition of affirmation. We normally think of affirmations as something that you read, write or listen to and they work very well but, I also visualize my affirmations and not just in the screen of my mind.
    Every time I walk outside and see my 2008 Camry in the driveway, that is not what I see. To me, I am looking at my new glistening black Mercedes AMG. When I sit on the rich leather seats, I smell that new car smell and when I start the engine, I feel a sense of excitement as that 650 hp V-12 rumbles to life.

    Don't limit yourself by using a strict definition of what an affirmation is. In fact, live your life as if this is a universe of limitless possibilities. It is exactly that.
  17. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    You can join the forum and discuss the tones there. I think there's also an email that you can contact for requests or feedback. :thumb:
  18. vze3t8xi

    vze3t8xi New Member

    I've started using my own affirmation tapes recently. It's amazing what the mind can achieve when you feed it the right foods! I experiment with different baroque artists and have found baroque greatly helps affirmation seep into the subconscious mind.

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