Operation LOW

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jake Studebaker, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Jake Studebaker

    Jake Studebaker A life worth living

    Hello everyone,
    I have been pondering this idea for a while and I would like to go public here for the first time. I would like to establish a nonprofit. The reason I am going public here is because I know this is a forum of people who are motivated to make a difference in the world. I have a plan for this nonprofit and I would like to hear some feedback on it.

    This is my idea; provide cheap clean energy to impoverished families through the use of solar energy. I would sell solar panels and charge for installation pricing to pay for the poor families (Henceforth referenced as IMPF) solar. Then I would go to the IMPF and teach young men and women how to install the panels. I would then hire those young adults who have installed the solar, and use them to install and become salesmen and saleswomen for the project. Then they could train up a new group starting a chain of command similar to direct sales marketing.

    The project is still in the early planning stages, but I know one thing. It is going to be called Operation L.O.W. for operation light of the world, in reference to my calling as a Christian to be a light to the world. I know I am only 16, but I can do this and if you have any feedback please let me know. Email me at jakeslifeworthliving@gmail.com or reply to this thread.

    I look forward to what you all have to say, and to Operation Low. For more information please visit my blog at www.jakestudebaker.com

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