Rules of the Forum

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by successvibe, Mar 4, 2007.

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  1. successvibe

    successvibe Administrator Staff Member

    This is an English language only Peer to Peer Support and Discussion Forum. Information or opinions contained in any posts are those solely those of the user making the post, and should not be considered to be the opinions of This includes those of our Moderators. Use of any information contained on this board is done so AT YOUR OWN RISK. While we may at times respond to posts, makes no warrants, guarantees or claims regarding the validity of any information posted by users on this board, nor do we review posts for accuracy of information.

    This board is moderated by moderators, and we request that you please be respectful when interacting with our moderating team. has a 3 strikes policy. Users will only receive 2 warnings during any rolling 3 month period. Any incidents beyond this will result in a permanent ban of the user's account. Please follow these guidelines carefully. We reserve the right to ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules, as access to our support forums are a privilege and not a right.

    This board is intended for family use also. By that we mean from teens to the elderly. Please refrain from using any vulgar language that would offend someone else. Inappropriate words will be edited and or deleted.

    Please, no pornographic material or links to it. If it is not fit for family members, it is not fit for posting here. DON'T DO IT! We have a ZERO tolerance policy on this one. This includes any and all jokes that may be considered “Adult humor”. Please remember this board attracts people of all ages. Should you want to post an adult humor type of thing to your pal Ed – Private Message it to him instead of posting it. Or email it to your friends. Do not post anything with inappropriate titles or content, or links that would be offensive to a family type environment. Please remember we have teens and elderly members that also use this site. This is a Success oriented site, content should be limited to refrain from “adult content only” posts and threads or jokes.

    NO PERSONAL INSULTS OR ATTACKS provides this site for our users to gather and discuss Success and Motivation in general. You are free to disagree with others in a respectful way, but if you stoop to personal insults, abuse or attacks, your post(s) WILL BE DELETED. If you ARE insulted please report the post, but DO NOT retaliate. Do not post Private Messages sent to you, in the forums. Hit report post if you feel someone is attacking you or forward their PM to the owner and moderators. If you feel another members post is rude, inappropriate, etc., Then click on “Report Post” found next to the reputation icons at the bottom of each members posts on the right hand side. The owner and moderators will then deal with the matter.

    Trolling and/or attempting to bait others into a flame war will not be tolerated. Any posts we deem to fall in this category will be deleted without notice and will not be brought back. This includes inflammatory comments about vendors and/or other members or people. Any poster who is deemed to be baiting, flaming or personally attacking another poster will be given a warning. You will only be given 2 warnings. The 3rd time you will be permanently banned. There is no time frame for these type of warnings. The owner of the site will make the determination of when and if to ban someone. The site owner(s) make the final decisions whether or not ban a member, and are final and binding. It is solely at the owner’s discretion.

    Please read each forum description before posting to ensure you are posting in the correct forum. Off topic posts will be moved to the correct forum. Please help us keep our workload down, by not expecting the moderators to keep moving your threads or posts for you. Thank You.

    If no one answers your question or responds to your post, please "bump" it rather than posting it again. Posting the same question over and over or in every forum will just annoy people and will not get answers.

    Titles like “Help Me”, or “I'm Stuck” serve little value in any forum. Try to be short and concise, but descriptive when submitting your thread starting post. Try to make the titles of the threads you start as descriptive and appropriate to the content as possible. Once again, Moderators do not have time to keep changing the titles of your threads. Please assist us by using appropriate titles to start off a new thread.

    Respect the copyrights of other people, websites, software and printed media. Please no pointers, how-to’s, advocating any illegal activity. Posts regarding such things as warez, crackz etc. will be deleted and the user given a warning.

    Do not use this site as a redirector or gateway to another site for the purpose of collecting click income or advertising. Although there are times when a link to another site is necessary for helping or answering a question, this site reserves the right to determine what is and is not SPAM. Any SPAM will be immediately deleted and the user being issued a warning. This is not your personal "for sale" board to advertise items.

    Members of this online community in good standing, (posters with 50 posts or more) may advertise their products or services for free in our “Classified Section” here, providing they follow the above rules for SPAM. Moderators and owners will delete any spam type ads from the classified section without notice. If you have any questions about what may or may not be advertised in this section, please contact the owner or moderators.

    You must respect the privacy of other members and individuals at all times. Do not post personal information (i.e. Names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, personal identification numbers, email addresses or any other information considered private) without the express permission of the individual. Please do not post your own personal information such as address or email address in posts either. It is best to exchange email addresses by using the Private Messaging system here. Or if you wish to share your email address or chat / instant messaging info, you may do so in your profile option. is not liable for any personal information you chose to share with the community.

    Signatures should be no larger than 100 pixels high by 700 pixels wide. This includes any text or images used in your signature. Signatures outside this limit will be edited and/or removed by the owner or moderators. Please remember, no pornographic, obscene or controversial subject matter of any kind is allowed in signatures.

    No website links are allowed in a users signature unless they have 50 posts or more. This is to reduce the amount of new members signing up, whom only sign up to advertise and not contribute as posters on a regular basis. All signatures are open to removal or editing by the owner or moderators if they violate these terms. You will be notified by the owner or moderators, if your signature is deleted IF you have been an “active member” for the last three months. If you have not been active as a member in that time frame, you will not be notified your signature has been edited or deleted. Any attempt to put your links or url’s back into your signature when you have less than 50 posts, will result in a warning being issued to you.

    Any post/thread that deems inappropriate for family viewing will be dealt with accordingly. If you have any questions about actions taken against a post/thread please PM the appropriate forum's Moderator(s). Please remember that this is an “all ages” message board. All rules violations will be dealt with swiftly, up to and including a permanent ban of the user account. We reserve the right to delete posts/threads at our discretion.

    Do not make posts or start threads complaining that your post has been edited or deleted. Contact the owner or moderators by PM. Any baiting, flaming or personal attacks against the owner or moderators in posts and threads are reason for being banned. Please deal with it privately between yourself and the moderators through our Private Messaging system here. Our moderating team does not deserve to be attacked, any more than any other poster or member here. Please be respectful to them in any communications you have with them. If you feel a moderator is being unfair to you, please PM the owner, successvibe. The moderators answer to the owner only. Don’t expect them to post their reasons publicly. They may or may not post the reasons for the editing or deleting of your posts. They are merely enforcing the rules, as laid out by the owner. The moderators are not here to post and fight with anyone. The owner will make all final decisions on any matter and what the owner says, goes. The moderators are here merely to enforce the owner’s rules.

    Please show courtesy and respect for new members. Please keep in mind, we attract members to this site from all over the world. While this site is an English language site, please note the Foreign members need to be shown patience, as English may be a second language to them. Please do not assume that a new member is a previously banned member. Should you suspect that a new member is a previously banned poster, please contact the owner or moderators and they will look into the matter. That is the job of the owner and moderators to determine.
    Give all new members 50 posts to prove themselves to you. Please show new members respect, courtesy and be welcoming to them.

    By following these rules, this community will remain the vibrant, vital community that it is. Respect for your fellow members and posters is crucial to keep successvibe the success oriented forum it is. The Owner and Moderators will not edit or delete disagreeing posts and opinions, as long as they are respectful in nature, in content and towards other members. It is not the goal of the owner or moderators to change the flow of conversation in a thread, merely to keep it respectful at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
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