Success through focus

Discussion in 'About Success, Motivation & Goal Setting' started by Bony N, May 30, 2017.

  1. Bony N

    Bony N New Member

    whatever we focus on we got to feel' I remember few years ago i used to focus on the type of job i wanted and in that process i could always imagine myself doing that job , visualising how it will be and feeling that i had already got the job and it was really amazing because i even enjoyed the process to my success. Basing on my story and the story of other successful people it is clear that whatever we focus on we have to feel as long as we believe it has to happen it does happen for real and i think this is the moment for you reading to realise that the biggest part of our success lies on what we focus on and of course have a strong belief that you will achieve what you want.Here after focusing on what we want our mind help us find the way to success. Lets start right now to know what to focus on so that we become successful and this does happen on whatever focus on (whether Big or small)!!! you try and see. Am eager to have your comments and know what you think about this.
    Bully Beef and MainlyMotivation like this.
  2. Tendani

    Tendani New Member

    Tony Robbins says Where ever you focus, the energy flows.

    Focus & believe on something longer enough( eventually is gonna happen)
    Bully Beef likes this.
  3. Ayat siddiqui

    Ayat siddiqui New Member

    There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
    After we says that if your focus totally on your aims then you definitely become successful in life.

    Do you want to successful in life?
    Bully Beef likes this.
  4. Tj Hines

    Tj Hines mindful entrepreneur lab

    F = follow
    O = ones
    C = course
    U = until
    S = successful

    In the good book it says the people without a vision shall perish. Your imagination is real and powerful. Dream of the life you want and believe that is there for you to achieve. You can get anything you want out of this life. Think big. Dream big. Then go after the life you want.
  5. MainlyMotivation

    MainlyMotivation New Member

    Focus is key to being successful and staying motivated. You need strong habits to stay motivated. I don't think getting motivated is the issue with most people. It's staying motivated.
  6. shohrat shankar

    shohrat shankar Life Empowerment Coach and Facilitator

    where we focus, energy flows there!
  7. Bully Beef

    Bully Beef New Member

    Lots of good stuff in here guys. Thanks! Yes the power of focus is crucial. We especially in today's society have a hard time focusing on one thing for too long. As I get older I realize how important it is to focus and stick with something to accomplish it.
  8. srirama123

    srirama123 Business Motivational Speakers in India

    Focus is not an option. It is a necessity. It’s time for us to start picking our battles more carefully, and to be more thoughtful about embracing new trends. As Seth Godin succinctly explains, “I’ve disciplined myself not to use it so that I can force myself to do work that I wouldn’t be willing to do if I had something more fun to do, like check my Twitter feed.”

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