What are the best personal development CD's?

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Cockneyjay, May 25, 2014.

  1. Cockneyjay

    Cockneyjay New Member

    Hey everyone,

    I'm looking for the best personal development CD's for me to get. I've listened to what i consider some of the best known ones like Awaken the giant within, think and grow rich, the strangest secret etc

    What are the best ones out on the market? Maybe newer ones that I haven't heard of? Doesn't necessarily have to be new though. Just looking for new material.
  2. mysuccess

    mysuccess Member

    I don't give you answer because It depend on each person. What you want to clear about, I mean what is knowledge specific that you want to learn about and ready to practice on. Think about want to success or make money or create wealth way? What is type you choose that fit and fix with your case your knowledge and much more else. Clear about what you want, you can't do all of things about success at the same time because when you can't do then it not help you. What you are looking for very specific and you can focus on is things you should consider now instead ask what is best of personal development.

    Hope this help.

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