What do you do for fun?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by iambt21, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    My boyfriend was out of town for the weekend and even though I have so much fun with him, I discovered that I still have fun on my own.

    Friday night I took his dog for a walk and I got invited into a party as I was walking by a house that was having a big bbq. I had a beer and let people pet the dog and met some cool people. Then I went home and took a bubble bath with candles.

    Saturday I got up and went to the farmers market, then got my hair did and had a girl's night with my friend and watched some chick flicks and ordered sushi and we painted each other's toes.

    Sunday I got up and went on a little bike ride down to Starbucks and drank my coffee while I read the paper. Then I went shopping and bought some new dresses. Sunday night I went to my boyfriend's parents house for dinner and we drank lots of wine on the patio and watched the sunset to the right and then looked to the left and watched the moon come up over the lake. It was awesome!!
    1 person likes this.
  2. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    He made the tea out of pine needles.

    Quit trying to ruin it for me, ya'll!
  3. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    I know, he made the cup from the ore in the dirt too right. :biglaugh:
    Fine, I will leave you alone on this one with your fantasy semi-intact.
  4. Batman

    Batman Dark Knight

    It was darjeeling - darjling :D
  5. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    Hey Meredith,

    Do you remember the episode where he was doing push-ups naked? Pine needle tea or not..... that ROCKED! :thumb: :lildevil:

    I do think it's cute how he has to have his tea no matter what. It makes him so happy. ;)

  6. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, that was Alaska. His boat sank in the river nad he had to swim to shore. He tore the cotton clothing off because it zaps the heat from your body and then he did like 10 pushups right there on the rock. I don't care if he stayed in a hotel the night before, he's still hot!
  7. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    That was the one.... :lildevil:

  8. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    I think that's the same episode where he caught a Sockeye Salmon right out of the river with his bare hands and bit into it while it was alive.
  9. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    For fun, I DON'T watch reality TV...it's really fun not to.

    I'm a rebel...

  10. Sean David

    Sean David Special Member

    I agree. I find that fun too.
  11. Auswithspirit

    Auswithspirit FIREWALKER

    For fun i like to take pieces of bread down to the lake and hand them to the children to feed the fish and turtles and eels .....its incredible to see there little faces light up as the animal come to the surface seeking gifts
  12. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    I had to actually turn my head during that part....:D

  13. CerebralPrimate

    CerebralPrimate SILVERBACK


  14. Auswithspirit

    Auswithspirit FIREWALKER

    Taking the wings of flies is that considered fun?

  15. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    So thats the ticket, All I have to do is 10 pushups naked on TV then have a spot o' tea and the ladies will think I am hot.

    Someone get a video camera

    All this time I have thought women were complex, now I see the light
  16. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    NO!!!! Flies are gross, you shouldn't even be touching them!

    Now this story will gross everyone out... when I was 17 and I worked in a deli, I would catch flies with my buddy Nino and put them in a cup of water, then as if that wasn't bad enough, I would slice cold cuts for the customers, with the SAME HAND!!! :eek: No gloves back in those days!!!!
  17. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member


    Send me a copy of the tape. I will slide it into my Sunday morning lineup between "Man Versus Wild" and "Deadliest Catch". I like to do situps on the fitball and lift weights while I stare at hot guys on the big screen tv. I sould warn you though, I may become slightly obsessed with you.Taz
  18. MidasGirl

    MidasGirl New Member


  19. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

  20. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    lol, you naughty girl!

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