what self help stategies have worked for you?

Discussion in 'The Library' started by saf1, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. thomas.wai

    thomas.wai New Member

    Begin with an end in mind... probably one of the most important strategy I have learnt in life. How about you?
  2. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    I didn't say that anyone that makes a mistake is a failure. I was talking about the mindset of a person when approaching a goal. Here's an example. Imagine a man goes out to make a sale, and he says to himself 'I'm going to try to make this sale', what kind of outcome do you think he is going to get? Imagine another person. This person goes out to make a sale, but says to himself ' I'm going to make that sale'. What kind of result do you think the second guy is going to get? Whether the person made the sale or not is not the point, the second guy at least went with more confidence, more belief in himself.

    Another thing, Who said that anyone that doesn't accomplish something is a failure? I believe that every failure is a lesson. When it comes to having fun, I wouldn't be that bothered if I tried something new, tried a new desert, or a different shirt. I think there's a difference between your attitude to having a game of golf, and your attitude to accomplishing a goal.

    My point is this half heartedly do something (try) or do something with full confidence ( do it).

    Just do it :thumb:
  3. thomas.wai

    thomas.wai New Member

    Regarding the discussion - would mistakes and failures make a good lesson to us?

    I think the answer depends. It depends on our attitude towards our failures. If we have an open-mind, willing to learn, and willing to reflect on our strategies and actions, failures can become great teaching lessons. However, if we are dwelling on the negative sides of the failurs, blaming ourselves and unable to recover from the lost, then, failures may not be so great lessons after all.

    Attitude - one of your most important element.
  4. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    Of course. People with a victim personality will always try to blame others. Also people with a lack of self confidence will do the same. The more you look objectively at your mistakes, you can learn from them and reach success. :)
  5. saf1

    saf1 New Member

    To hold myself responsible for all my failures. This shifts the focus from wasting mental energy on finding excuses, and blaming others, to learning and taking a new approach.

    'No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success untill he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes'
    Napoleon Hill- Laws of success :thumb:
  6. mysuccess

    mysuccess Member

    Habit of learn new things on your own way: I get useful of knowledge when learn new things, it help me know what is bad habit that I can know before.

    To be myself: Know more about yourself is key help you achieve success on what you do and what you want.

    Commitment: Find your passion, and commitment do it until achieve result. Nothing important than that and every case you also do something forward to it.

    Take action: If you only find many knowledge about something, you will understand that it not useful with you, only you apply what you know to take action and experience it, and learn more knowledge. It will help you achieve something. The key is take action

    How to forward your goal: simple see what work, repeat it, take action something help I forward to my goal everyday. because nothing happen until something happen. If you have a system or not let find it and follow system. Never give up, you can break or relax in process but not give up.

    Grateful: it is the key help I to be happy now.

    And more thing simple and effective in my life I can't list all of here :)

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