When motivation comes from creation

Discussion in 'About Success, Motivation & Goal Setting' started by Jackson Mendoza, Nov 10, 2017.


What motivated you to create?

  1. artists

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  2. passionate people

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  1. Jackson Mendoza

    Jackson Mendoza New Member

    There comes a time in our life where we just want to modify our lifestyle.

    Creation for motivation is not hard to find but it requires a profound knowledge of one being an image of him. It only depends on that moment where we decide. When our decisions are strong and we set our minds to accomplish the best, without any hesitation the only thing we do is start trying. It’s a universal truth that practice leads to perfection.So what if we have faith in the time when we practice without giving up?

    This is a precious moment that embraces our good and bad, our activeness and laziness, our entire purpose towards an aim. When we give it all, we can achieve all.
    I reckon the times of art, where the street had no names, apocalypse rose and muse was set to configure us all.
    Find out more in the link below


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